Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Purple toes for dayz

When you happen to walk an average of 3 miles a day in newly bought Steve Madden boots, your feet will start to feel the repercussions of it, I know mine do. With every step on the beautiful cobble stone streets, my feet seem to scream out with agony. I feel as each toe is saying "why, why are you doing this to me? Do you hate me this much?" The feeling eventually turns from pure pain into numbness, this is where I find peace, cause after all I can't feel them. Because Lauren, Steph, and I try to avoid complaining ( cause after all we are in the MOST beautiful city ever) we have coined the phrase purple toes. simply meaning. my feet hurt so much that they have changed from their soft pale nude color into a bright purple due to the swelling. So every now and then while we are making our trek from our lovely little home to the other side of the river, one of us will turn to the other and gracefully recite the words "purple toes." and when you just can't take it anymore it only takes on simple phrase... "purple toes for dayz." And let me just tell you, there is no such joy as ripping dem boots of your feet, and slipping into a nice cozy pair of socks, and like that the toes stop yelling and are happy.

1 comment:

  1. fo dayzzzz. perfect phrase. it sounds like everything is wonderful so far. and i'm jealous of you already.
